Saturday, May 26, 2007

Flash agent compilled

This is weeks ago , so it's great news , the first recompille of the new flash agent :)
I hope to be done in a month , it will probebly sign up for the neoflash competition

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My c tutorial for the PC

check it out

Flash agent account

In next flash agent you will need to sign in and out , just some security for if your brother is playing with the PSP

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Psp coming????

finally good news , it is looking like a will have my new PSP at the end of this month :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hello linux

I jsut made my first linux application as always a hello world;)

No more bin2c in flash agent , backup function will be there

to make faster updates in the futur , there wont be a recovery menu , but everthing will be backupped , and you can flash them;)

To busy

Dam , i think i wont have time for 3weeks for programming:(

Sunday, May 6, 2007

It's coming

Look at that , nice :P I hope to find out how I could clean the registry files and delete browser history and cookies ;)

Windows programming in dutch ;)

I made a tutorial here , enjoy it;)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cleaner released

eu , not a big application , not much code , but very handy!!!
Cleaner (version A) will delete all files in your recycle bin ;)

download : here

Friday, May 4, 2007

Hallo007 no more , goodby psp?

It's verry possible that hallo007 will die , my nickname for the psp scene , since i dont have a psp anymore and dont have the mony for it , is it useless to stay , flash agent source isnt tested for a while now , and just crashes while start up , it will cost weeks before i can finish it , and the deflasher comes close to what flasha gent can

Installing microsofts visual c++ , dev-cp sucks

dev-c++ is outdated , it was a fine application , but since i want to programm for windows its getting uselesse , so I am currently installing visual c++ and I learned some new technique and like to make my first windows app the end of may ;)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Windows programming

today i started some windows programming and my first programm showed a window , my second emptys the recycle bin , so the progress is oke:)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fonts are coming

aargh that stupid layout , yes I finelly get fonts working and i found some nice fonts , i cant wait for next release