Sunday, August 26, 2007

Having fun

I just finished my 1.50 topmenu plugin text editor and it all just worked fine , time to port it to higher firmwares , I also have some other nice ideas that could make flash agent better , and in some part even make the release date come faster =)


Anonymous said...

nice, do we got any broad release date?

Anonymous said...

is the firmware checker still going to check vshmain.prx?
the size of it changes for some themes and that may cause problems

Macrox said...

Man it takes long :P
Do you now when you are going to release it?

Macrox said...

hallo007 are you dutch?

hallo007 said...

yes , I am and I dint did any work for the past week , so I am really tired of the flashi ng thing , I dont know or I ever return to code it , also I aint anymore that much behind the computer , I discovered the weed , you know...

Macrox said...

xD lol ik ben ook nederlands en jammer dat je niet verder gaat :(
Misschien kun je flash agent open-source maken want het is een heel erg goeie flasher ;)

hallo007 said...

nee , want de code is "ugly" nu , omdat het allemaal bestaat uit kleine stukjes die nog verbeterd moeten worden , daarom kan ik het niet open source maken ;)

Macrox said...

ow ok jammer ik hoop dat je het ooit nog wil verder maken. Maar oke veel geluk verder ;)

P.S. ik ben Macrox op
Ik zag dat jij daar ook wel eens opzit :P

Svalbard said...

i don't speak very much dutch at all, so do you think that you will ever release the new flash agent that you have been working on for so long?

Macrox said...

well he says the code is "ugly" because it exists of tiny pieces of code that has to be improved. and because of that he can;t make it open-source. and to answer your question: he has no feeling of working on flassh-agent soon, so.

I also find it verry sorry because it was my favorite flasher but i can live with it.

greetz :P

hallo007 said...

to bussy with other thinks now , i dont think I will creat somethin for the psp in months , but i heared that my grand-brother was working on some project

Macrox said...

does he have a website or blog and could you please give some information about his project?
Hope good programming is in the family :P

hallo007 said...

no not yet , he will first finish everthing before he gaves info because he doesnt want to make the same mistake as I did , say you going to make something and never finish it

Macrox said...

ok, i hope it something good :D
i hope you will someday go further with flash agent. ;)

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